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The publications and presentations below include a selection of research on science performance assessment and performance-based learning that can be used to understand the research base that underpins our work and the research that we are doing on our curricula and assessments.
Selected SCALE Publications and Presentations on Assessment
- Stoll, L., & Wertheim, J. (2023). Performance Assessment as Part of Efficient, Effective, and Equitable Instructional Practice. The Science Teacher, 90(7).
- Wertheim, J. A. (2021). Criteria for the design of engaging, educative, and equitable science performance assessments: Design Criteria for the Stanford NGSS Assessment Project (SNAP). Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity.
- Stoll, L., & Schultz, S. E. (2019). How to design a performance task. Science Scope, 42(7), 40-45.
- Wertheim, J., Osborne, J., Quinn, H., Pecheone, R., Schultz, S., Holthuis, N., & Martin, P. (2016). An analysis of existing science assessments and the implications for developing assessment tasks for the NGSS. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford NGSS Assessment Project Team (SNAP).
- Osborne, J., Pecheone, R., Quinn, H., Holthuis, N., Schultz, S., Wertheim, J., & Martin, P. (2015). A system of assessment for the Next Generation Science Standards in California: A discussion document. Palo Alto: Stanford University.
- Wertheim, J. & Osborne, J. (2019). Supporting Coherence Across a System of Assessment for NGSS. In American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual International Conference.
- Badrinarayan, A. & Wertheim, J. (2019). Reconceptualizing Alignment for NGSS Assessments. In National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) Annual International Conference.
Project-based instructional materials
- Lucas Educational Research. (2021). Research Brief: Project-Based Learning Leads to Gains in Science and Other Subjects in Middle School and Benefits All Learners
- Deutscher, Rebecca R., Holthuis, Nicole C., Maldonado, Saúl I., Pecheone, Raymond L., Schultz, Susan E. & Wei, Ruth C. (2021). Learning Through Performance Project-Based Learning as a Lever for Engaging the Next-Generation Science Standards.
- Holthuis, N., Deutscher, R., Schultz, S. E., & Jamshidi, A. (2018). The New NGSS Classroom: A Curriculum Framework for Project-Based Science Learning. American Educator, 42(2), 23-27.
Asset-based Assessment Practices That Center Students in Instruction
See more publications about teacher learning on the IMPACT Project Page
- Wertheim, J. & Grace, J. (2024). Centering Students in Science Learning: A Professional Learning Success Story.
- Grace, J. & Wertheim, J. (2024). Science notebooks as tools for guiding instruction around students’ ideas. NSTA. Denver, CO.
- Tekkumru-Kisa, M. & Wertheim, J. (2024). Fostering Teachers’ Ambitious Teaching Practices for Supporting the Implementation of Performance Assessments in Science. NARST Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.