“I had no idea assessment could be so joyful!”
– Professional Learning participant
The Implementing Practices of Ambitious Teaching for Complex Assessment Tasks (IMPACT) project aims to build foundational knowledge about teacher learning through the analysis of video clips of the implementation of performance assessments in science classrooms. IMPACT professional learning (PL) is designed to transform the culture of assessment such that assessments become an integral component of ambitious, asset-based science instruction. Through sustained PL situated in teachers’ practice, the IMPACT project supports teachers in using assessments to elicit, work with, and work on students’ ideas and assets to advance their sense-making in science classrooms.
The IMPACT Professional Learning (PL) Design
Teams of teachers and leaders engage in collaborative analysis and reflection using artifacts of student thinking and teacher practice from performance assessments to plan, implement, and reflect on their implementation of the assessments. The cycle happens three times over the course of a year, each focused on an instructionally-embedded performance assessment that the teachers are using to work on their asset-based assessment practice.